Many of you know I'm keen on charity and donate clothing regularly to different charities. Along with giving away items to local people via the Acts of Kindness Facebook groups through our Facebook Page The Clear Out.
But I thought how lovely it would be to involve you, my lovely customers and supporters in this part of my venture. So from today I am trialling a new concept, for every item ordered, we will donate the same amount of items to a charitable cause!
So every single item you order really will help towards my goal of helping as many people in need as possible.
You will get to vote for charities you would like us to donate to and put forward any cause you feel deserves our donations via our Facebook group Buy Second Hand Clothes UK.

I get many emails from charities asking for donations and I haven't been able to help them all, but with your help, I hope to change this. Together we can help support many more charities and organisations.
The first donation will go to Sherwood Oaks, an Adult Mental Health Hospital in Mansfield. We will be donating books and DVD's for the inpatients during their stay. Every sale via our website gives back to charity!

I will do an update in 4 weeks time showing the items we've collected ready to be donated. I'll even make it a video. Everyone knows how much I dislike being on camera! But I'll do anything for charity! Keep an eye on my social media pages @theclearoutstor to see this in action.
If you know a charity that would like our help, do tell them to get in touch via their official email. At this stage we are just donating items of clothing, shoes, toys, books and dvds but i'd love to be able to donate more in the future.
I will get a donation counter in place so we can all see how many items are being donated and where to!

THE BEST BIT, each time you shop with us, you're literally doing your bit for charity as well as for the planet = GUILT FREE SHOPPING
Who can argue with that?!
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